
Hello! I'm Ollie or Jay! I'm 23 and am Autistic! I do art sometimes, so enjoy!

about me!

- Ollie or Jay
- They/He
- 23
- Autistic, ADHD, and Depressed lol
- American (Scottish & Filipino)
★ Pronouns Page ★

current interests!

special interests
Fave Character(s)

Emu OtoriTsukasa TenmaMizuki Akiyama

and you can find my JP and EN cards + info here if you click me :3

The Amazing Digital Circus

other interests

TWRPPinocchio-PPlanet Booty
The Lego MovieLego City UndercoverLego City Adventures
Pheonix WrightFriday Night FunkinKindgom Hearts
Spy X FamilyI'm in love with the VillainessDemon Slayer

and more! (but i cant list them all)

prsk info!

Player ID - 347462370393063434
JP team - 226978 Power

Player ID - 381197307816710150
EN team - still a wip


I am pretty chill on the dni and bfy stuff and only have a few extremes.
- Basic dni if racist, sexist, homophobic, transpobic, aphobic, xenophobic, pedophiles, etc etc.
-Seriously DNI if you ship greenflame or headcanon mizuki as cis or transmasc. Seriously you're a freak.
-I prefer tone indicators because I'm stupid! /hj (im just autistic and cant tell if youre mad/upset with me)
- I am not caught up on ninjago and only am on seabound. I kinda do and dont know whats going on past that.
- I mostly draw the Ninjago Movie verse mixed with elements from the show.